
Hello everybody! This is a technical blog and it will  mainly be about my progress on a project I am currently working on.

ImageAt the end of April (2014) I found out that I was accepted at ‘Outreach Program for Women‘ (short OPW). I was very happy (and still am) about this because now, I have the opportunity to contribute to the open source community. I have done some contributions to several open source applications before, but they were small fixes and I always wanted to do something significant, with greater impact.

First, let me introduce what OPW is. In short terms, it’s kinda’ like GSOC but for women. In long terms, it’s an internship program organized by the GNOME Foundation, where participants can contribute to open source applications. You can participate only if you are a woman; if not, there’s GSOC which offers a lot of opportunities as well. Also, OPW doesn’t restrict you in being a student so feel free to apply no matter what age you are.

Basically the purpose of this program is to encourage women to contribute to open source. In the past, the number of females that were actively involved in FOSS communities was very low, so they definitely needed more support and encouragement from organizations.

If you are not a programmer, don’t worry, OPW offers non programming projects as well, that include user experience design, graphic design, documentation, web development, marketing, translation, etc.

For more information, please check out their website here.

The project I will be working on is for Apache Mesos, a cluster management framework. Mesos is used by many companies(including Twitter) that have large clusters and want a better and easier management for them.

For more information, please check out their website here.

So, this is all for the introduction post. For more information about my progress on the project, please stay tuned.

Thanks for reading and have a great day 🙂 !

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